Environmental Policy

We use an environmental management system according to the ČSN EN ISO 14001:2016 standard. The aim is to protect the environment in the company and its surroundings, and at the clients'.

We have therefore adopted a social responsibility policy with the motto:



Environmental protection - green company



We shall fulfil this motto by focusing on the following principles:


  1. Responsible relationship towards the environment

    1. Concerning our production, we only introduce technologies with the lowest possible environmental impact. We assess the impact of new technologies before deciding to implement them.

    2. We only market and process products that are environmentally friendly - in storage, use and disposal.

    3. We are constantly looking for ways to reduce energy consumption and input materials. We manage hazardous substances and deal with large amounts and types of waste.

    4. By consistently addressing risks and pollution, we prevent the possibility of emergencies that could negatively impact the environment.


  1. Communication of environmental issues

    1. We communicate our environmental policy to all employees and communicate it appropriately to other interested parties. We manage and educate employees to behave responsibly towards the environment to attain their understanding, support and enforce this environmental policy.

    2. We require our contractors to respect our environmental policy. We expect and enforce the same or similar rules from our suppliers.


In Desná, 16 August 2022


Ing. Júlia Stephányová Ing. Tomáš Stloukal

ISŘ Manager Chairman of the Board of Management